Dr. Rebecca Winderman, MD

Pediatric Gastroenterologist

Integrative | Holistic | Microbiome | Precision | Lifestyle Medicine

Getting to the root cause of your child’s gut health issues…

Dr. Winderman understands the challenges of navigating the healthcare system, where time with your doctor can often be limited, leaving important questions unanswered. With her compassionate approach, she ensures that your concerns are heard, and she takes the time to get to the root cause of your health issues, so you can finally find the answers and support you deserve. Book a consult here!

Childhood Constipation Expert!

Dr. Winderman specializes in helping children of all ages overcome their constipation issues. Want to know more about my Comprehensive Constipation Program? click here!

Meet Dr. Winderman!

I an an integrative and plant-based Pediatric Gastroenterologist currently practicing in New York City as well as a medical influencer across multiple social media platforms.

I have a virtual consulting practice where I help parents worldwide navigate their child’s gut health concerns using a holistic & integrative approach.

Yes, I'm that Pediatric Gastroenterologist on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook & YouTube !

  • “Doc, how can I optimize my gut health?

  • “What do you think of this probiotic?”

  • “How about this supplement?”

  • “I saw x, y, and z on (insert social media platform)…should I be doing that?
    What are your thoughts on (colonics, cleanses, detoxes, enzymes, microbiome testing)?”

Your gut will tell you what’s up.

You just have to FEED it the right things.